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Cancellation Policy for Tenang Villas

All Bookings cancelled inside 60 days prior to travel are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Bookings with deposit paid and that are cancelled 60 or more days prior to travel, the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Fully paid bookings cancelled 60 days or more prior to travel, are non-refundable and non-transferable..

No date changes are permitted within 120 days of the start of travel/booking check in date.

Tenang Villas is not responsible for any acts of nature i.e. Earthquake, Floods, etc. or flight cancellations. In the event of cancellation due to “acts of nature” the above cancellation policy applies.

REFUNDS: In extenuating circumstances, should a refund be agreed to by Tenang Villas, the refund will be made less 20% of the payment made against the booking.